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Improved Video Navigation and Capture (Papers/Notes)
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Session Chair:
Dan Morris, Microsoft Research, USA
Improving Meeting Capture by Applying Television Production Principles with Audio and Motion Detection
Abhishek Ranjan, University of Toronto
Jeremy Birnholtz, University of Toronto
Cornell University
Ravin Balakrishnan, University of Toronto
Video Browsing by Direct Manipulation
Pierre Dragicevic, INRIA & University of Toronto
Gonzalo Ramos, University of Toronto
Jacobo Bibliowitcz, University of Toronto
Derek Nowrouzezahrai, University of Toronto
Ravin Balakrishnan, University of Toronto
Karan Singh, University of Toronto
Note: DRAGON: A Direct Manipulation Interface for Frame-Accurate In-Scene Video Navigation
Thorsten Karrer, RWTH Aachen University
Malte Weiss, RWTH Aachen University
Eric Lee, Apple Inc.
Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen University
Handsaw: Tangible Exploration of Volumetric Data by Direct Cut-Plane Projection
Leonardo Bonanni, MIT Media Laboratory
Jason Alonso, MIT Media Laboratory
Neil Chao, MIT
Greg Vargas, MIT
Hiroshi Ishii, MIT Media Laboratory