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Driving in My Car (Papers/Notes)
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Session Chair:
Emmanuel Pietriga, INRIA, France
How Accurate must an In-Car Information System be? Consequences of Accurate and Inaccurate Information in Cars
Ing-Marie Jonsson, Linköping University
Helen Harris, Stanford University
Clifford Nass, Stanford University
Paper: In-Car GPS Navigation: Engagement witn and Disengagement from the Environment
Gilly Leshed, Cornell University
Theresa Velden, Cornell University
Oya Rieger, Cornell University
Blazej Kot, Cornell University
Phoebe Sengers, Cornell University
In-car Interaction Using Search-Based User Interfaces
Stefan Graf, BMW Group Research and Technology
Wolfgang Spiessl, BMW Group Research and Technology
Albrecht Schmidt, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Anneke Winter, BMW Group Research and Technology
Gerhard Rigoll, Technische Universität München