CHI 2008 Advance Program: Session Details

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Sound of Music (Papers/Notes)
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Session Chair:
Kenton O'Hara, Hewlett-Packard Labs, Bristol, UK

Choice: abidcating or exercising?
Tuck Leong, The Department of Information Systems,
The University of Melbourne
Steve Howard, The Department of Information Systems,
The University of Melbourne
Frank Vetere, The Department of Information Systems,
The University of Melbourne

MySong: Automatic Accompaniment Generation for Vocal Melodies
Ian Simon, University of Washington
Dan Morris, Microsoft Research
Sumit Basu, Microsoft Research

PlaceAndPlay: A Digital Tool for Children to Create and Record Music
Yasushi Akiyama, Dalhousie University
Sageev Oore, Saint Mary's University

The Sound of Touch: Physical Manipulation of Digital Sound
David Merrill, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hayes Raffle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Roberto Aimi, Alium Labs, LLC