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Cognition, Perception, and Memory (Papers/Notes)
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Session Chair:
Mary Czerwinski, Microsoft Research, USA
Collaborating to Remember: A Distributed Cognition Account of Families Coping with Memory Impairments
Mike Wu, The University of Toronto
Jeremy Birnholtz, Cornell University
Brian Richards, Baycrest
Ronald Baecker, The University of Toronto
Mike Massimi, The University of Toronto
Paper: Feasibility and Pragmatics of Classifying Working Memory Load with an Electroencephalograph
David Grimes, University of Washington
Desney S Tan, Microsoft Research
Scott E Hudson, Carnegie Mellon University
Pradeep Shenoy, University of Washington
Rajesh P.N. Rao, University of Washington
Human-Aided Computing: Utilizing Implicit Human Processing to Classify Images
Pradeep Shenoy, University of Washington
Desney S Tan, Microsoft Research