Gonzalo Ramos, Microsoft Live Labs
Jeffrey Nichols, IBM
Message from Gonzalo and Jeffrey
Congratulations on having your paper, note, or case study accepted at CHI 2008. In addition to your actual presentation we would like you to give a 30-second preview of your paper at CHI Madness . CHI Madness is a single track event with no competing sessions. It is your chance to present to the entire CHI audience and to get people excited about your talk. Last year, each CHI Madness session attracted over a thousand attendees.
Here is a sample of past CHI Madness presentations.
Coordinating more than 200 authors is not easy and we need your help. Here are your action items.
1. By March the 7th, please send us slides or video for your 30-second CHI Madness presentation
Getting your idea across is easy with the right visual material. Many presenters choose a single slide, others use multiple auto-advancing slides or a video (CHI Madness Example Gallery). Due to the logistics of Madness you will not have control over the timing of the slides. If you use multiple slides, you need to preprogram them to advance automatically and to finish within 30 seconds. To minimize time loss between presentations, we will compile all slides into four master slide decks - one for each day. Please send us your CHI Madness material in PowerPoint format, as a single 30-second video clip, or as a zip file with one or more 1024x768 pixels gif/jpeg/png images. If you send Powerpoint slides, please take care to use fonts that are standard on the Windows platform. If you must use non-standard fonts, or are not sure whether your fonts are standard, please send images of your slides instead of a Powerpoint file.
To help us with the logistics, please name your deck as follows:
<day>-<startTime>-<order in the session>-<author's last name>.[ppt|zip]
For example:
Email your Madness presentation to chi2008-madness@acm.org. Thank you!
2. Meet us 20 minutes before your Madness session at the stage
Your CHI Madness presentation will take place the same day as your paper, note, or experience report presentation (look here to determine what day(s) you are on). We will all meet 15 minutes before the beginning of the session at the stage of the plenary. Please be punctual! We will tell you in what order to present and you will be assigned a seat in the first row according to presentation order. Here is when to meet us:
Monday April 7: meet us at 8:10am at the stage (presentations start at 10am, but being part of the opening plenary we need to meet before that starts)
Tuesday April 8: meet us at 8:00am at the stage (presentations start at 8:15am)
Wednesday April 9: meet us at 8:00am at the stage (presentations start at 8:15am)
Thursday April 10: meet us at 8:00am at the stage (presentations start at 8:15am)
3. Give your 30-second presentation
CHI Madness is supposed to be fast paced, but we will make sure it won't get hectic. Student volunteers will tell you when it is time to leave your seat and get in line at the stage. Locations will be marked for the speaker and the next two people who will be speaking, and you should move from the line to the appropriate marked location as the speakers ahead of you finish. Be ready to speak the moment that the speaker in front of you finishes. Your slides will be visible for exactly 30 seconds; this is the time you have to get to the microphone and to present.
There are many ways to give a great CHI Madness presentation; we already pointed you to the CHI Madness Example Gallery. The slide deck will be set to auto advance, so you cannot run over - it would take time away from the following presenter. You can finish early though, in which case we will advance the deck for you.
Thank you for working on this with us. If you have questions, please free to email us at chi2008-madness@acm.org.
We are looking forward to your presentation!
Gonzalo Ramos & Jeffrey Nichols
CHI 2008 Madness Co-chairs
This document has drawn heavily on the Guides for Submission written by previous CHI and CSCW video chairs, originally published on the CHI '99 Conference website. If you have any questions, please contact the conference chair at chi2008-tp@acm.org.