- Submission: 3 Oct 2007 (5:00pm PDT)
- Notification: 28 Nov 2007
- Camera Ready: 11 Jan 2008
- Submission Format: 4 page summary, full color, unanonymized in Extended Abstracts format
- At the Conference: 10 minutes of CHI fame in theatrical format
- Archives: Extended abstracts; DVD and ACM Digital Library
Design Theatre offers authors their 10 minutes of CHI fame: introduce your concept by presenting it in a theatrical format. This is the first Design Theatre at CHI.
Make your point not via research nor by specific project work, but rather with the medium of a short 10 minute theatrical piece. You create not only your thesis but the user experience that will make the point come alive for the audience. Authors of accepted Theatre proposals will have 10 minutes before an audience to make their points. An important part of this venue is the meaningful presentation of well-paced material that holds the audience’s attention.
We expecially encourage submissions that:
- Illustrate points of view and relationships between actors and audience, users and interactive concepts
- Challenge the audience’s beliefs and perspectives
- Present a focused, clear, memorable point
Jonathan Arnowitz, Google Inc
Contact us: jonathan.arnowitz@google.com
Authors are advised to log into PCS submission system and become familiarized with the online submission process well before the deadline. Authors can submit and resubmit materials as often as they please before the deadline. This includes descriptive information (meta-data) you provide during the upload process, as well as the propsal.
The submission site will be locked promptly at the deadline, 3 Oct 2007 (5:00pm PDT), and authors will no longer be allowed access to the submissions. To be fair to all authors, no extensions will be granted.
All work that is submitted to CHI is peer-reviewed.
All Design Community submissions will be reviewed based on the clarity of the information and the potential contribution to the application of design in human-computer interaction. Please see the individual submission categories for additional review criteria.
While submissions to the Design Community categories are not archived in the CHI conference proceedings, they are nevertheless reviewed to high standards for originality, recognition of previous foundation work in the same area, clarity of writing, and value of lessons learned through the design activities/process.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 28 Nov 2007, or shortly after. Contact authors of accepted Papers will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the camera ready version of their Proposals. These will be due on 11 Jan 2008 (5:00pm PST).
Design Theatre events will be held in the Conference Center. Please note that not all rooms are equipped with a formal stage and the general accoutrements of theatre, so please plan accordingly. Facilities you can expect to use include a digital projector, microphones, and typical conference room furnishings. If you require a specialized environment for a Design Theatre event and you have a proposal to make, please consider crafting a Design Community Event that includes your theatrical presentation.
Design Theatre accepted proposals are published on the Conference CD-ROM as well as on-line at the ACM Digital Library.