The importance of HCI (including human-centeredness, usability, human factors, user experience) issues and concerns to the success of businesses, management, and organizations has been acknowledged to some extent by both researchers’ and practitioners’ communities. However, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed in order to really make HCI an integral part of success factors for businesses and organizations. For example, HCI professionals often play marginal roles in technology and product development and management efforts; human-centeredness is normally not a focus of middle and top management concern; we often train HCI professionals as technical problem-solvers, rather than strategic thinkers with managerial potentials.
The management community for CHI 08 is to build on the efforts and advancement from the past CHI conferences and other related academic and professional conferences on related issues. We plan to continue explore and advance our understandings and develop actionable solutions concerning HCI’s roles in management and organizations, and the management of HCI research and practice. We welcome visional pieces, formal investigations, reports on best practice and successful cases, reports on lessons learned, and pedagogy related contributions. Specifically, we are interested in but are not limited to the following topics:
- Making top management realize and incorporate the HCI perspective into corporate strategic planning and management
- Strategies and tactics for investment in HCI
- Integrating HCI in product innovation, definition, development, deployment, and management.
- Investigating HCI issues and concerns in the business, managerial and organizational contexts
- Managing HCI research and practice, especially in a global environment
- Training future managers, CEOs and CIOs to be human-centered and HCI competent
Addressing the above mentioned issues and challenges requires a collaborative effort from people with various background, experience, interests, and positions. We call for scholars and educators in different disciplines, HCI practitioners and professionals in various industries, managers of HCI projects, and people in various managerial positions of organizations where HCI plays important roles. We expect and welcome ideas and joint proposals from other CHI 08 communities that overlap with issues raised here.
For a summary of all CHI 2008 submission types and venues, see the Authors page.
Ping Zhang, Syracuse University
Roberto Polillo, University of Milano Bicocca
Contact us: chi2008-mgt@acm.org