- Submission: 19 Aug 2007 through 19 Sept 2007 (5:00pm PDT)
- Author rebuttals: 11-15 Nov 2007
- Notification: 10 Dec 2007
- Camera Ready: 11 Jan 2008
- Submission Format: Anonymized 10 page paper in HCI Archive Format, 150 word abstract, 30 word contribution and benefits statement
- At the Conference: 25 minute talk including questions
- Archives: Main conference proceedings; print, DVD, and ACM Digital Library
CHI Papers present significant contributions to research and practice in all aspects of Human Computer Interaction. All accepted Papers are presented at the CHI Conference and are published in the CHI Conference Proceedings. The CHI Proceedings are read and cited worldwide and have wide impact on the development of HCI theory, method and practice.
Accepted Papers may come from any arena of HCI activity: academia or business; science, engineering or craft; analysis or design. But acceptance is highly competitive - all accepted Papers will score highly on innovation, contribution and quality of thought and writing. Reach beyond: submit your best work.
Maria Francesca Costabile, Universitą degli Studi di Bari
Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University
Contact us: chi2008-papers@acm.org
As an interdisciplinary conference, CHI accepts the following types of contributions to the Papers venue:
- Case Studies of the development and use of interactive systems that provide new insights for HCI research or practice.
- Interaction Technologies: a new technique or device.
- Interactive Systems: descriptions of the architecture, interface, and evaluation of a new interactive system.
- Methods and Tools: new methods, processes, techniques, and tools for use in interactive system design, development and deployment.
- Metrics by which the performance of interactive technologies can be measured and compared more meaningfully.
- Reflective Analyses: thought-provoking well substantiated analyses of HCI issues.
- Fieldwork and Ethnography Reports: findings, guidelines, and so on, from studies of real world settings, or of technology use in such settings, with clear relevance to the design and deployment of interactive systems.
- Laboratory Studies Reports: tests of theory, explorations of new phenomena using well-designed controlled studies of human-computer interactions.
- Theories and Models: presentation and critical analysis of HCI theories, including but not limited to formal approaches.
In all cases, a CHI Paper must break new ground and provide complete and substantial support for its results and conclusions. Successful submissions typically represent a major advance for the field of HCI. CHI Papers undergo a rigorous review process. We recommend that authors consider carefully whether their work in its current state is more appropriate for the Notes (4 page submission) or the Works-in-Progress venues.
Write and Format Your Paper
Papers must be anonymized and no more than 10 pages long, including figures, references, and appendices. Papers must contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long and clearly states the Paper's contribution to the HCI field. Final submission PDFs must be no larger than 4 megabytes large. Please read the HCI Archive Format for detailed information on how your Paper should be written and formatted.
Your submission must be original work. It cannot have been published elsewhere, nor can it be under concurrent review for publication by another conference or journal. All references must be complete, accurate, accessible to the HCI public, and conform to the Conference Proceedings Publication Format. Do not cite publications that are proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.
Authors should read the guide to successful archive submissions.
Craft a 30 word Contribution and Benefits Statement
Authors must develop a 30 word contribution and benefits statement for their Paper. A contribution/benefit
statement describes the contribution made by the Paper to HCI and the benefit that readers can gain from it.
This statement will be entered when the Paper is submitted, and will be seen and assessed by reviewers along with the Paper.
Prepare Video Figure (Optional)
Your Paper may be accompanied by a short digital video figure or interactive illustration that is up to
five minutes in length and no more than 30 MB final data size. Please see the guide to
successful video submissions for production hints.
Since not everyone who reads the Paper may view the video figure, your Paper must stand on its own without the figure,
and will be reviewed as such.
Make Your Final Submission
Authors are advised to log into PCS submission system
and become familiarized with the online submission process well before the deadline. Authors can submit and resubmit materials as
often as they please before the deadline. This includes descriptive information (meta-data) you provide during the upload process,
as well as the abstract, your Paper, contribution and benefits statement, and (optional) video figure.
The submission site will be locked promptly at the deadline, 19 Sept 2007 (5:00pm PDT), and authors will no longer be allowed access to the submissions. To be fair to all authors, no extensions will be granted.
Papers undergo a rigorous review process, managed by the Papers chairs and a committee of associate chairs. The review process is as follows:
- Each Paper is assigned to an associate chair, based on their expertise
- Associate chair assigns Paper to at least three hand-picked reviewers
- Associate chair completes a meta-review based on the reviews. They may also seek further reviews of the Paper
- Authors see preliminary reviews and can respond with rebuttal
- Associate chair (and potentially secondary associate chair) compose recommendation to committee based on reviews and rebuttal
- Committee discusses and finalizes decisions at a two-day Paper committee meeting
Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 10 Dec 2007, or shortly after. Contact authors of accepted Papers will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the camera ready version of their Papers. These will be due on 11 Jan 2008 (5:00pm PST).
Please note that submissions will not be published without a signed form releasing publishing copyright to the ACM. Attaining permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people or proprietary content rests with the author, not the ACM or the CHI conference.
Authors will present their work in a scheduled session with other Papers and CHI Notes. Paper authors will be allowed 25 minutes (about a 18-20 minute talk with 5-7 minutes of questions) to present their work.
See Conference Technical Support for information about the computing and A/V equipment that will be provided by the conference as well as for tips on preparing and giving a good CHI talk.
Accepted Papers will be distributed in the CHI Conference Main Proceedings (Print and DVD). They will also be placed in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide. Video figures of accepted Papers will be archived on the Conference DVD and the ACM Digital Library.