- Submission: 8 Jan 2008 (5:00pm PST)
- Notification: 30 Jan 2008
- Camera Ready: 5 Feb 2008
- Submission Format: Camera-ready unanonymized 6 page extended abstract in Extended Abstracts format and proof of student status.
- At the Conference: Poster and possibly a Short Talk
- Archives: Extended abstracts; DVD and ACM Digital Library
The Student Research Competition (SRC) is a forum for undergraduates and graduate students to share their research results, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes at CHI 2008. Sponsored by Microsoft Research, the CHI SRC competition is a branch of the ACM Student Research Competition which hosts similar competitions at other ACM conferences in other areas of computer science. Students accepted to participate in the Student Research Competition at CHI 2008 are entitled to a travel grant to help cover travel expenses, up to a maximum of US$500. Students must be members of ACM to qualify for travel funding and awards.
The Student Research Competition has the following goals:
- to give undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to share their research ideas and results at CHI in a special forum that provides visibility for their work
- to give students the opportunity to meet with and interact with CHI attendees to share ideas, gain new insights, and understand possible practical applications
- to give students an opportunity to sharpen their communication skills, including visual, organizational, oral, and aural modalities
- to provide detailed feedback to students about their research and presentation, from a panel of distinguished judges from industry and academia
- to recognize and reward outstanding students
Although ACM and CHI both recognize the importance of collaborative research, the Student Research Competition is meant to be an opportunity for junior students to develop their skills as researchers and to give them an opportunity to showcase their work. One of the goals of the program is to focus on the student, their capabilities as a researcher, and their potential. As such, only individual research projects will be considered for the Student Research Competition.
The top three winners at CHI 2008 in each category (undergraduate and graduate) will receive prizes of US$500, US$300, and US$200, respectively. All winners also receive an award certificate and two-year complimentary ACM membership with a subscription to ACM's Digital Library. Winners will be recognized during the closing plenary session of the CHI 2007 conference. These winners will also go on to compete in the ACM grand finals with winners from other ACM conferences.
Luciano Gamberini, University of Padova
Kori Inkpen, Dalhousie University
Contact us: chi2008-studentresearch@acm.org
Student Research Competition describe recently completed or ongoing individual student research (possibly under the supervision of an advisor), in any of the topic areas covered by CHI. While there is no specific research problem for the research competition, competitors are encouraged to consider the CHI 2008 theme, "art.science.balance".
Submissions to the Student Research Competition should be original work that is neither in submission nor already published in CHI or another conference or journal. Student Research Competition submissions will be simultaneously considered for the Work in Progress track. Students not accepted to participate in the Student Research Competition will be considered for the Work in Progress track.
The Student Research Competition is not an archival publication that constrains future submissions. Your abstract and poster are not considered to be a prior publication of the work for the purposes of a future CHI Paper or CHI Note or for a journal publication.
Participants must be undergraduates or graduate students pursuing an academic degree at the time of initial submission. The contest has two categories, one for undergraduate research and the other for graduate research. Three winners will be selected in each category. Research completed while the student was an undergraduate may be submitted to the undergraduate category even if the student is now a first-year graduate student. Participants must provide a signed letter from their academic supervisor confirming that they are registered as a full-time student and that at least 50% of their working week is spent following an academic course of study.
Students should submit a camera-ready unanonymized short paper (6 pages maximum) written in the Extended Abstracts format. The student competing in the research competition must be the primary contributor of the work and must be the first author on the paper. Supervisors of the work may be listed as co-authors on the CHI 2008 publication however, all authors should be aware that winners who go on to the ACM Grand Finals will be required to submit a single-authored version of their paper for that competition.
Papers should describe:
- Research problem and motivation
- Background and related work
- Approach and uniqueness
- Results and contributions
Student Research Competition submissions should be submitted to the Work-In-Progress category of CHI 2008 via the PCS submission system. Final submission PDFs must be no larger than 4 megabytes large. This must be received by 8 Jan 2008 (5:00pm PST). The Work-in-Progress submission page will include a check-box where students can indicate that they would like to be considered for the Student Research Competition
All submissions must be accompanied by a Proof of Student Status indicating (1) the student's university; (2) the student's ACM member number; (3) whether the student was a graduate or undergraduate when the work was done, and (4) confirming that the student is currently enrolled in an academic program full-time.
Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts, and evaluated based on
- Quality of work
- Novelty of approach
- Significance of the contribution to the field of HCI
- Clarity of written presentation
Up to twenty-five students (15 undergraduate and 10 graduate) will be chosen to participate in the competition at CHI 2008.
Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information which will be published on the website prior to the conference.
Students accepted to the competition are entitled to a travel grant covering expenses for travel to CHI, including conference registration, transportation, lodging, and meals, up to a limit of US$500. Students must be members of ACM to qualify for these awards.
The first round of the competition evaluates the research during a poster presentation at CHI. The presentation will be evaluated on two axes, given equal weight: (1) the presentation of the research, both visual aspects of the poster and the student's oral discussion, and (2) the research, specifically its quality, novelty, and significance of the contribution
Poster board panels are 250 cm tall by 100 cm wide (98" high by 39" wide). Posters will *have* to be printed portrait style and will be hung with molding clay.
Based on the results from the poster session, the judges will select students to advance to the second round. During the second round students will have the opportunity give a short presentation of their research (10 minutes) followed by a question and answer period (5 minutes) which will be evaluated by a panel of judges.
The top three winners in each category (undergraduate and graduate) as determined by the judges' evaluation of the conference presentations, will receive prizes of US$500, US$300, and US$200, respectively. Winners will be announced during the closing plenary.The winners from each category will advance to ACM Grand Finals of the Student Research Competition where all SIG conference contest winners are evaluated to determine one overall winner.
Accepted Student Research Competition Papers will be distributed in the CHI Conference Extended Abstracts DVD. They will also be placed in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to thousands of researchers and practitioners worldwide.