CHI 2008 is focused on taking the next step forward - reaching beyond the familiar and established research, methods, and technology that have served us well to the new and innovative that provides new insights, experiences, and outcomes. We will strive to collect contributions in the usability field that introduce innovative practices and research that improve the design experience. CHI provides several formats for communicating your work, whether it is an experience report, a panel of industry experts, or a well researched finding presented in a paper. It is our goal as the usability co-chairs to increase the quality and quantity of usability practitioner and researcher submissions with the intent of benefiting both the practitioner and research communities.
For a summary of all CHI 2008 submission types and venues, see the Authors page.
John Karat, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg
Contact us: chi2008-usability@acm.org
Historically, the usability and user experience fields have thrived on the interdependency between research and practice, leveraging new concepts and working to make our efforts more effective and influential. CHI 2008 will offer a place to discuss advancements in the field of usability and user experience and discuss burning issues of methods, tools, business or management. The CHI 2008 Usability & User Experiece Community Co-Chairs will help practitioners find appropriate venues for the presentation of advanced approaches, thought-provoking communication, and interaction between research and practice, whether the submission is a debate, a description of a new method, an interesting case study, or some other presentation format.
We expect that there will be many related themes and activities offered by the other CHI communities participating in this conference. We strongly encourage you to submit multi-community proposals that look at usability and user experience in the context of design, education, engineering, management, or research.
We particularly welcome proposals for novel types of submissions or submission types common in other Commuity events and conferences not listed above. Please contact the Usability & User Experience Community chairs ( ……) to discuss the best way to submit and present your work. We will work with submitters to shape these novel proposals into activities that will advance exchanges and understanding within the community.